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Looking around on a Sunday morning, I wonder how many people have felt lonely in church. Even surrounded by others, isolation is possible.

So many of my fellow worshipers are people I only see on Sunday. We don’t live in the same neighborhood. We can’t all work in the same town or for the same company. How many have the opportunity to minister to or with others in this group?

What I desire is for each to experience integrated living, a chance to know and be known: to work with, live with and minister alongside a spiritually-connected people.

Even surrounded by others, isolation is possible.


  1. Angela Cassin


    It is important that you keep talking about this issue. Connection is key and without it the church is just a club or a building where people gather on Sunday mornings. I want to live with a passion for Christ that gives me no other option but to deeply connect with other believers. We are not called to be islands, we are called to deeply truly love and be the bright spots in this world. Thanks for sharing! This is an important message for todays church to pay attention to.

    • ericmuhr

      Thanks for the encouragement, Angela. Being “bright spots in the world” is more important than it sounds.

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